In a mystery beyond our full grasp, God is certainly One, yet we know Him through three Persons. There is some kind of unity yet distinctive role that perhaps in eternity to come we’ll begin to grasp; but, perhaps it will be forever beyond our understanding.
We do know clearly that Jesus Christ promised a Person to be with us and in us, who is God in us, our hope of glory. Upon the full, complete, and final redemptive payment which Jesus Christ made to God the Father for our sins, the Person of the Holy Spirit was unleashed in a way not fully realized prior to that act of sin payment.
Earlier we examined the trope of the oil from the olives, made in Gethsemane from those trees all over the Mount of Olives, giving light in an otherwise pitch night world. There is another image that is used of the oil, namely for anointing, which is a baptism-like form of identification. Consider the following passages in the context of our being identified now not just through the washing and dyeing through the water of Baptism, but also being anointed by the very Spirit of God as another kind of identification, that of being a place of the naos (Greek for the Holy of Holies room of the Temple) which is the very dwelling of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s now go deeper into the present work of the Holy Spirit.